Sunday, April 28, 2013

Junior Year and What It Has Meant To Me

Ugh, this year has been difficult. I expected it to be tough. After all, life seems to become tougher with every passing year, but I never believed junior year would be this chaotic, this overwhelming as it has been. I've had to juggle four demanding AP classes; I've had to deal with multiple standardized test (including the PSAT, SAT, and ACT); I've participated in sports; I've tried to keep up with numerous clubs and other extracurricular organizations; I've had to consider potential colleges; and I'm about to take four exceedingly difficult AP tests which I hope to do well on. While this year has been challenging, it has nonetheless been rewarding. I mean, I'm one step closer to my senior year—and after that, college (which I am both anticipating and dreading).

In fact, now that school is almost over, I've realized that this school year hasn't been so bad. Sure, it's been difficult, but that's just a part of life to which we all have to adapt to. I will now attempt to describe, rather concisely, my year as I have experienced it. I had many successes... and many failures. I improved tremendously in some areas, and disappointingly regressed in others. I made new friends, even when I thought it to be implausible this late in my high school career. I talked to people who I'd never really talked to, and I wondered why I had not talked to these people sooner. I made countless mistakes, which I have hopefully learned from and will never repeat. I learned more about myself, my passions, my convictions. I developed new interests, new strategies, and new methods of perceiving the world that I never before considered. Most importantly, I faced my fears (reluctantly): I wasn't always successful, but believe I'm one step close to achieving my goals. As I sit here contemplating this year, I now see that it has been a constructive one, albeit difficult. I didn't believe I could do it, but I at least got through another year.

Now, on to my   plans for the summer, after this school year has finished. At the moment, my plans for summer are still somewhat in the developmental phase. I know that I'll be busy with my mentoring project, which will most likely take up a significant portion of my summer. For my mentorship, I've decided to work in a lab with a chemistry professor at UK researching and developing various chemical substances for practical use. Considering I'm more of a science-type person (I adore math and science), this mentoring option is perfect for me. I also plan on studying for both the ACT and SAT (I plan on retaking them at some point in the future), and I plan on continuing to run and remain active for next year's cross country season. Finally, my family  and I are planning on taking a vacation to Italy, a vacation that—honestly—all of us really need after this year. I've never been to Italy and I don't remember my time in Europe (I was about 2 when I was last over there), so this should be a unique and totally awesome experience.

Since this year is almost over, I've lately been curious as to what next year will be like and what the future, in general, holds in store for me. Where will I go? What will I do? What will I learn? Will I be successful? These are all question that I constantly ponder, even more with the end of junior year so close. It's hard to believe that by this time next year, I will be preparing for college. I've looked at many colleges and I've narrowed down my list of possibilities, but it seems that I am more confused than ever about where I will eventually end up... they all seem like fine colleges to me, and I've always been bad with decisions. It it scary to think what the future holds in store, yet I am prepared to deal with it the best I can; I will never give up.

Overall, it's been a pretty crazy year, but through all the pain and tears, through all the stress and sleepless nights, through all the doubt and feelings of hopelessness, I have endured, and I am one step closer to the end of this particular stage of my life. Whatever the future holds in store for me... well, let it come. I'm ready.

Congratulations everyone. We're almost there.

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