1. What is the most alluring promise of your future?
2. How do you feel about Maturity? What does it mean to you?
3. Illustrate your favorite painting in words.
As my third attempt to answer one of my questions begins, I curse my own name for their complexity. Some of one's fondest memories from youth often come from vacations taken with your family or your play groups excursions out to the sweet smelling apple orchards in late fall. Visually, sensually, and nostalgically rich experiences all. As a teenager, I have a basic idea of what the root of these experiences is, but lack the necessary resources or responsibilities to make this happen. I cannot simply pack up the family car and drive out to some remote farm for a weekend, I can scarcely even take the family car out at all. Therefor, I turn my fondest gaze towards the independence and the potential of personal ownership that the future holds for me, or so I hope it does.
To have a place that you may do whatever you want with, to have the opportunity to make a house into a home. The home in which you live in now is a comfortable one, but it is of your parent's creation. the prospects of living by oneself opens the possibility of breathing your own essential spirit into a piece of real estate, every armoire of scrap of wallpaper radiating your essence. Your time, so long constricted by the wills of others now becomes entirely your own, all those fantastic ideas you had as a child come pouring out in an unobstructed stream of reality. You can plant and tend to a plot of persimmon trees, or spend an entire fortnight gorging yourself on nothing but Hungryman frozen dinners. Your will is the only limit on your potential for the creation of wondrous memories and experiences. I am enamored with the idea that someday in the not to distant future, I will be able to take the reigns of my spiritual journey in life. I can move to eastern Oregon and farm turnips if I want, or I can be a farmhand in the Midwest if it so pleases me. You can travel the world, work for your keep, and learn anything. Truly freedom is the most beautiful inevitability for modern man, provided he falls not into enslavement by the weaknesses of his spirit.
Listen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mR8Z-gmK1g
v good post. good job.